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Basic HVAC Troubleshooting Tips


When you acquired your HVAC unit, you expected comfort in return. However, there are instances when you’ll face unexpected issues and may be tempted to call a professional to deal with the problem immediately. That said, there are some common HVAC problems that you can troubleshoot on your own. In this article, leading HVAC repair contractor John Stevenson Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. shares some common HVAC issues that you should try troubleshooting before calling to schedule an appointment with a professional.

Dirty Filters

This is one of the common HVAC problems that occur because of irregular HVAC system maintenance. Filthy filters that haven’t been changed as they should directly affect the performance of your HVAC unit. Make sure to clean or replace dirty filters to improve air circulation and start warming or cooling your home immediately.

Ignition Issues

When you can’t start up your HVAC system, there’s a good chance that there’s an ignition problem. In this regard, the probable solution is to replace the pilot lights, igniters and some electrical components. As the owner of the HVAC unit, what you can do is conduct your own diagnosis to identify which part of the unit is causing problems. Though you’ll still need help from an HVAC contractor, you’ll have already saved time by knowing which part needs to be repaired.

Faulty Thermostat Settings

Most HVAC problems start with incorrect thermostat settings. By properly configuring your thermostat, you’ll be able to avoid potential HVAC issues.

Worn-Out Units

Although this is an issue you can’t prevent from happening since the performance of residential or commercial HVAC units inevitably diminishes over time, being vigilant and noticing the signs early will enable you to contact a technician for repair or replacement of specific parts of the unit.

Air Leaks

You may have noticed that some areas of your home aren’t as warm or as cold as others. If you experience this phenomenon, try to locate the gaps and leaks where the air is leaking in and out. Seal these leaks and you’ll have a better experience with your HVAC unit.

Being able to take action on your own without waiting for a professional’s help is a great way to save money, but keep in mind that there are bigger, more serious issues that need experienced hands to take care of them. If you’re looking for a contractor who can address heating repair and other HVAC issues, entrust the work to John Stevenson Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Give us a call at (760) 276-6690 or fill out our contact form for a consultation.
